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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:45 am |
AirGunEric |
Site Admin |

Joined: 20 Jan 2007 |
Posts: 6910 |
Location: "Out There" |
If you are having problems signing up to the forum- make sure your email Spam filter is turned off, or check your junkmail folder. The forum sends an email to the address you provide with a link you must click on to complete the registration and begin posting. If you receive a message that your email service provider is "blocked" then you must use another email address with a different provider.
Anyone who can't get this to work- email me directly so we can sort it out.
The spammers that were/are trying to sign up- all of you have been deleted. If you are an incoming spammer- consider yourself lucky if any of your fake viagra, porn or ringtone advertisements last more than a couple of hours before you are wiped from the system as well. |
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Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:31 pm |
AirGunEric |
Site Admin |

Joined: 20 Jan 2007 |
Posts: 6910 |
Location: "Out There" |
A further note for new people:
Just "registering" does not complete the process to be able to view hidden areas and/or post topics and replies. You need to "confirm" your registration through a link that is sent to the email address you provided.
The last few weeks, a large number of people have registered, but never confirmed the registration. After 7 days these registrations get deleted as they are considered potential spammers and without a confirmation there is no way of knowing for sure until the site gets hammered with ads for all sorts of garbage and trash that no one wants or needs to see.
For people who have registered and are awaiting the confirmation link in their email- Hotmail, MSN and Yahoo mail services appear to be disposing of the emails more than any other mail service. Once you have been informed that a confirmation email is being sent to you- there is virtually no delay- the email to you is sent immediately. If you don't see it within an hour or less- it's been screened out/deleted by your email service. Most times the email is placed in the "junk mail" folder- but sometimes it will be blocked outright by these systems.
If you register and never receive the confirmation email- it is not this site or forum that is the problem- but your mail provider. Try checking your junkmail folder, and if not there, you will need to re-register using an email address from another email provider (not Hotmail, MSN or Yahoo).
Another note: be sure Java and Javascript are turned on in your browser- the forum software needs them enabled to display correctly. |
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