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Best pellets for Crosman products? 
PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:14 pm Reply with quote
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Hi, I'm Jeff and I've got 6 airguns...(support group responds:"hi, Jeff..."), 5 of which are Crosman products. I have an old Crosman 160 built sometime in the 60's, a Model 1, built sometime in the 80's, a Vantage NP .177 (the gun that started this hobby for me), a Benjamin Marauder .25 that I just converted to .22 (state hunting regs, has to be "un-suppressed as well), and my (Umarex) Browning Leverage. Now, the old guns (160 & Mod-1) shoot pretty much everything well. The 160 has a steel barrel, and the Mod-1 has a brass barrel, but neither one is particularly sensitive to pellet manufacturer. They also aren't expected to reach out & touch anything beyond 20 or so yards. I think at least some of this can be attributed to the lower velocities they shoot at, but could also be a better quality of manufacture (read: no Chinese influence). So, let's discuss the newer, higher velocity guns. One thing they all have in common is that they are substantially built in China (yes, even the M-rod has Chinese parts, unless I am mistaken. The .25 barrel may be great, made in America, but the .22 barrel I believe to be Chinese).

What am I getting at? Pellet choice, of course. I have tried pellets from RWS, H&N, Crosman, Eungin (spelling?), and JSB. If my limited experience is to be used as an example, it seems to me that Chinese barrels tend to prefer an easy fitting pellet. The best shooting pellets in any of my newer guns seem to "just fit" into the breach, with no real effort to insert them, while they don't just fall into the breach. Any pellets requiring any kind of "muscle" to insert seem to end up grouping sloppy. The same seems to hold true for pellets that are too loose in the breech. Many Crosman pellets just kinda "fall in" to the breach, and end up as "flyers," often an inch or more off target in some random direction. Case in point: H&N domed 14.6 pellets kind of hang up in the breach of my Leverage, needing to be forced in. When fired, they group poorly at any range beyond 10 yards. Crosman Destroyers (basically a wad-cutter they call a hollow point) usually fit well, but every now and then (at least one in ten, usually more) are either tight or loose, causing these to group inconsistently. JSB Exacts, on the other hand, slide in nicely, and group tightly, every time. For an example of this, please refer to the "Rifles" section, post titled "Marauder valve information," first reply. There you will see a photographic example of 3different types of pellets, and the way they group in a new gun.

I'm not rep for JSB, I'm not even sure where they come from (Nor do I care). I'm also not stating that they are "the best pellet for every gun." I'm merely stating that if you need a good, consistent pellet for your Crosman product, order up a 250 count tin of JSB Exact Domes in whatever weight and caliber you need, and try them. I still try other pellet designs and manufacturers, but my JSBs are the ones I fill my pocket with when I hunt (at least until/unless I find something better).
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:49 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 21 Feb 2009
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Location: plainville mass. U.S.A.
Try H&N Cuda's 21.1g 5.52 older Gen 1 and 5.53 if M-Rod is newer Gen.1
Don't know about the New Gen. 2 Sin-Rod or what it likes. Try the Marauder Forum in the US for more Info.....Franky

21 grains
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 4:11 pm Reply with quote
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Greetings everyone, this is my first post and I have to say I have not read through this forum but I intend to do so. Here is my dilemma.

I have an approx' 3 year old Crosman Fury and a 1 year old Crosman Nitro Venom Dusk. The Fury has a Hammers sa9x32ao scope and the Nitro Venom has a Monarch UCC BDC 3x9power scope ($300.00). I put the expensive scope on because I am having trouble sighting in at 25 yds. The best I can do is approx' 3 inches apart using Premier hp 7.9 g on both rifles. next best is Destroyer hp 7.9 then RWS super dome round nose 8.3 and last Premier super match flat point 7.9. The most accurate is the Fury rifle. I have ordered JBS Exact pellets at over 10 g. weight thinking the heavier the pellet the more accurate. I have been PLINKING with pellet rifles for over 30 years but I cannot seriously get a good grouping with either rifle no matter what pellet I use. I have been shooting using sandbags and I realize the Nitro Venom (gas piston) has more of a recoil than the (spring) Fury. Target shooter for over 40 years. What is it that I don't understand about Pellet rifles and their ammo.
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:58 pm Reply with quote
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Look up "artillery hold" on Google.
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:09 am Reply with quote
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Thanks, AirGunEric
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Best pellets for Crosman products? 
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