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Umarex CP88 D/A Mod 
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:50 am Reply with quote
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Location: Linconshire, ENGLAND
CP88 Umarex D/A Mod
On the CP88 some guns work OK in single action but not in double action this is usually because the D/A trigger bar spring is to weak by stretching the spring to 45 deg it delays the release of the hammer and therefore increases the power of the gun considerably.
Take care when removing the hand gip as the spring might fly out, (do it in a plastic bag). Have fun.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:11 pm Reply with quote
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Good idea. What is the usual/stock bend on the trigger bar spring?

Your pictures are also very helpful- and excellent that they have labels on them for people not familiar with the innards of a particular gun. Bravo!

You must like Walther pieces- you appear to have multiple guns, sights/scopes and I don't know what else. Is there any specific reason for this? I.e. quality, availability in your area, just your taste? I'm just curious as to why 'generically'- I'm not trying to critisize or argue anything. Surprised


I'd say "I care."

But I'd be lying.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:49 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Linconshire, ENGLAND
Iv'e adjusted a couple of CP88 and I think that the quality control on that particular spring is not very good as I have read on quite a few forums people complaining about low power on CP88s in double action mode.

As for my likeing for Walther guns I have had a few over the years moded them up and sold them on, I also like Beretta's FS92s, Webley pistols which I have a couple, also I am a sucker for accessories over the internet, I think I keep Fedex in business. I like Co2 pistols with multi shot magzines and the reason is that I get fed up with cocking levers, all that hassel just for one shot, and PCP is to much trouble unless you have a compresser. I don't take shooting to serious these days, I go up to the local club occasionally and have a blast but that is not much fun these days, most of the guys up there shoot 22 rimfire or larger rifles and take it very serious (which they should) and they are not to keen when some guy comes up to one of the butts and starts blasting at a target with a Desert Eagle Blowback in D/A mode, but when I use my Twinmaster in single shot mode they are quite happy, I think they judge a guy by the wepon he shoots.

As for likeing pistols well I used to have a BSA then a Anschutz Which I liked very much, but this was all back in the 1960s and things have changed a lot since then, trying to find somewhere to shoot such as a field, wood or on the mud flats by the sea is impossible these days, so I shoot pistols mostly in my garden I would like to shoot air rifles but they are to powerful for my garden and the only place you can use them is a club. Things are very restrictive over here, this is a small Country not like Canada with thousands of square miles to shoot in ( at least thats my impression ).

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:59 pm Reply with quote
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Ah, I see. And yes, you are right- both Canada and the U.S. have lots of space to shoot airguns- although if you're on someone's private property without permission doing it- you can be in big trouble. Virtually all urban areas have made it illegal to fire off any sort of gun, air or otherwise, within city limits unless inside a licensed/registered gun club.

Which, begs my next question: No airgun-specific ranges in the UK? Could one catering only to airgunners somewhere around London or Bristol survive? I don't know of any airgun-specific places anywhere in North America either- but it is also my view that most "gun" afficionados in North America like them "big and loud" which tends to get airgunners the 'nose-up' view from them more often than not.


I'd say "I care."

But I'd be lying.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:20 pm Reply with quote
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There is a air gun range about 50 miles from me which is very good, it is an outside range with covered butts and adjustable target ranges for rifle and pistol, and you can shoot on any you like but 100 miles round trip is a bit to far, See

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:48 pm Reply with quote
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hi mate, any thing else youve done to cp88, looking for more power but any other mods appreiciated thanx
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Re: hi 
PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:56 pm Reply with quote
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junior111111 wrote:
hi mate, any thing else youve done to cp88, looking for more power but any other mods appreiciated thanx

Hi junior111111

There is not a lot you can do to increase the power apart from fitting a stronger hammer spring, which means stripping the CP88 right down and it is not very easy to put back together.

One thing you can do to make it more accurate is to remove the play fron the slide, especialy if you find that the poi changes every time you change magazine's, you do this by removing the slide and squeezing the sides together in a vice, protecting the paint with a cloth or cardboard, do this very gently or you will snap one of the sides off. this will stop the slide from moving side to side,

Have Fun



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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:39 am Reply with quote
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I've spent weeks experimenting with my weak shootng cp88 including swapping valve springs, hammer springs and this mod with little effect. The problem lies in the safety and I have found the solution.

The solution was embarrisingly easy, I got the closest size oring and filed it thin enough so when I put the safety back in the inner pin would press snug against the valve stem. You'll want to have a cart installed through all this as the the valve stem will protrude more under pressure. This totally worked! I shot four carts with zero weak shots, I get 6 clips of loud powerful shots before the expected power drop. Also there did'nt seem to be any difference in single action vs double action. I believe stock these guns have enough slack in the pin and saftey that it often diverts energy from the the hammer strike preventing the valve from fully opening, the oring tightens everything up. The only drawback being that you cannot use the safety while there is co2 pressure since the pins are now pressed together. Try it out but remember to remove the D/A spring or the safety won't come out. I also filed the piercing pin which also helps on older models you can look üp "cp88 nightmare"Mr. Green

Last edited by MST3KPIMP on Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:03 am Reply with quote
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Location: Waseca, Minnesota, USA
Thanks for making the effort to take the photographs and massage them to make the meaning clear.

I have had a somewhat different experience at the range here. We have a member that makes replicas of obscure historic black powder arms. Another hunts in Africa. Yet another shoots long-range centerfire, with the wind flags and an anemometer on his cell phone. (He uses it - it's not just for show.) They look past the gun and recognize me as a fellow fringe dweller. The others come around when they see me hitting stuff with my "BB gun" that they didn't imagine to be possible.

I also have avoided PCP guns because of the cost and bother of the supporting paraphernalia. For others with different needs they are without a doubt the best solution.

As far as repeating arms - I find that doing the safety, loading, and shooting steps without omission and in the correct order is a form of meditation. I shoot for relaxation, so single shots are no problem. Look up Kyudo (Japanese archery) and the principles of shin, zen, and bi (truth, virtue, and beauty as they apply to shooting). That's what I strive to achieve.

Except I don't wear the traditional Japanese clothing, because it doesn't go with my orange beanie hat. (Toque, for those that speak Canadian.)

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Umarex CP88 D/A Mod 
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