| | | | | | | | | Plainsman 175 BB pistol | | | | | |
1644 |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 2149 |
I have a Plainsman 175 BB pistol. I think it is a vintage piece.
It does not puncture the CO2cylinder. Not sure if any other problems.
Wonder if it's worth fixing. If not, what would it be worth a ... |
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| | | | | | | | | Hy-Score 800 Elevators (N.J.) | | | | | |
1644 |
Replies: 0 |
Views: 3091 |
Have 3 new elevators for rear sight of Hy Score 800 air pistol. Distributor asking $14.30 each. Will sell all three for $20 shipped.
email me for picture............ |
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